Jacques Vanier is retired from the National Research Council of Canada and as adjunct professor in the Physics Department at the University of Montreal. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the American Physical Society, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He has written more than 120 journal articles and proceedings papers and is the author of several books on masers, lasers, and atomic clocks. His main research work is oriented toward the understanding and application of the quantum electronics phenomena. Cipriana Tomescu is retired from The Institute of Physics, Bucharest, Romania, and as invited researcher in the Physics Department at the University of Montreal. She is the author of numerous articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Her research involves state-of-the-art atomic frequency standards and H masers.
This book constitutes an essential addition to the first two volumes of “The Quantum Physics of Atomic Frequency Standards” (QAPAFS, 1989) written in the early 1980s, by C. Audoin and J. Vanier, the latter being also co-author of this work. QAPAFS has constituted and still constitutes THE reference for the so-called “Time & Frequency” community. However, the evolution and progress in the domain have been quite spectacular during the following 25 years (1990-2015). This third book, published in 2015, fills the gap and describes in a very comprehensive manner the more recent achievements: use of laser cooling and other advanced effects based the atom-laser interactions, use of optical combs, extreme miniaturization, emerging new fields of applications, fundamental investigations in physics and metrology, etc. The second edition of the book (2025) includes important additional annexes, offering an overview on the latest developments, that occurred during the last ten years and discussing the main perspectives and challenges for the future. - Gaetano Mileti, Professor of Physics, University of Neuchâtel, February 2025