Klaus Evertz works as psycho-, art- and body therapist in his own practice as well as at the Dr. Mildred-Scheel-Academy, University Hospital Cologne, and until 2021, at the Center for Palliative Medicine, University Hospital Cologne, Germany. A painter and cultural psychologist, his research is in images as forms of consciousness, and he teaches at the Universities of Cologne and Dresden, the Nürtingen University of Art Therapy and the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Economics, Germany.
"""After hundreds of years of research into the reality of prenatal and birth life, it is now possible to provide this comprehensive overview of Prenatal Psychology. The reader can prepare for an adventure of expanding inner perception and knowledge."" Dr. med. Ludwig Janus, Facharzt für Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Pränatalpsychologe und Psychohistoriker, Institut für Pränatale Psychologie und Medizin, Germany. ""Klaus Evertz's new book brings intelligent, scientifically supported, evidence-based, peer reviewed studies into the realm of vanguard mainstream psychology, within everyman's grasp. Though he is writing from the frontier, is words convey what is self-evident to earnest ordinary human beings, words entwined with the disciplined rigor we expect from our pioneers. What a pleasure to recognize, as you are reading, that this makes absolute sense. As if he is putting language to something you have intuitively already known."" Karlton Terry, Pre and Perinatal Workshop Leader, New Mexico, USA."