The Hebrew Bible contains two quite different divine personae. One is quick to anger and to exact punishment while the other is a compassionate God slow to anger and quick to forgive. One God distant, the other close by. This severe contrast posed a theological challenge for Jewish thought for the ages. This Element follows selected views in rabbinic literature, medieval Jewish philosophy, Jewish mystical thought, the Hasidic movement, modern Jewish theology, response to the Holocaust, and Jewish feminist theology. In the history of Jewish thought there was often a tendency to identify closely with the God of compassion.
1. The two faces of god: The Hebrew bible; 2. The Rabbinic literature I; 3. The Rabbinic literature II; 4. Medieval Jewish philosophy; 5. The mystical Kabbalah; 6. Hasidism; 7. Modern Jewish philosophy; 8. The holocaust and the god of the Jews; 9. Jewish feminist theology; Bibliography.