Johann Baptist Krebs (1774-1851) was a renowned opera singer, director of operas, freemason, and esoteric writer who wrote under a number of pseudonyms (in particular, J. B. Kerning). He developed a form of letter mysticism composed of the concentrated thinking and feeling of letters through the parts of the body. This practice had its Biblical foundations described in his student Karl Kolb's The Rebirth, the Inner True Life, or How do Humans Become Blessed? (also known as the Buchstabenbuch - literally The Letter Book), and this technique was further developed by the Czech mystic Karl Weinfurter. Kerry Nitz is founder of K A Nitz publishing and since 2012 has published over 30 new English translations of works never before translated into English. He is the leading translator for the early 20th Century German authors Hermann Stehr and Georg Engel, and the 19th Century German occult author Johann Baptist Krebs (aka J. B. Kerning). J. B. Kerning was a pseudonym used by Johann Baptist Krebs (1774-1851), a renowned opera singer, director of operas, freemason, and esoteric writer who developed a form of letter mysticism composed of the concentrated thinking and feeling of letters through the parts of the body.