Thoroughly understand the Bible with The Plan of God From the Beginning.
Are you seeking a deeper connection with God's Word? Does the Bible seem confusing and you don't always understand it?
Here, The Plan of God From the Beginning provides an overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. You'll grasp the Holy Trinity, gain insight on the life and purpose of Christ that will ignite your passion for Scripture! The Bible's complexities are turned simple, where you can finally understand the will of God for your life by understanding the Bible, at long last.
Have a better understanding of Jesus' faith in His Father, God, while you receive answers to, ""Why does the Old Testament Law exist? Are we still under the law? What must I do to be saved? For whom was the Bible written? You will learn how to ""rightly divide the Word of truth"" as Paul explained to Timothy.
The Plan of God From the Beginning explains the past and future events like the Seven Feasts, three days and nights in the tomb. the coming Rapture and seven-year Tribulation, the Millennial Reign and the 2nd coming of the King of Kings!
While offering profound insights to long-term followers of Christ, this book serves as an invaluable resource for explaining the Bible for beginners, furthering the spiritual journey of both. Read in awe as the puzzle pieces of Scripture come together, revealing the glorious tapestry of God's plan for humanity. The Plan of God From the Beginning will let you: * Understand the overarching narrative of the Bible *Hear the Trinity's biggest secret plan since the beginning and why it was kept secret. *Find out what is ""the root of all evil"" *Receive everlasting peace when you understand the elements of the ""Last Supper""
You will find yourself walking with surety, being confident of your salvation, fearing death no longer and looking forward to heaven.
This book doesn't just inform-it inspires. You'll walk alongside Jesus, experiencing His compassion and grace in a profoundly personal way. Don't just read the Bible -- live it, breathe in and let it transform your world.
Debi Grant Imprint: Eabooks Publishing Dimensions:
Height: 229mm,
Width: 152mm,
Spine: 8mm
Weight: 200g ISBN:9781963611809 ISBN 10: 1963611802 Pages: 128 Publication Date:18 November 2024 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active