The Father is with Me. I've told you all this so that trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world."" - John 16:32, 33, The Message
One potential reader, when I told him of my first vision for the Legacy book cover, gasped and said, ""A sword and children don't go together! What will people think?!""
(The cover of the original book, Legacy: Crafting Your Child's Future With Words, published in 2007, had a picture of a mighty sword, and the Mightiest Sword-the Word of God-on it).
The potential reader, a man in his 40s, almost got it. The point is, we must think-and understand!
We must understand.
We must understand that our children, if they are to not only survive but thrive, must fight.
They must fight with wisdom.
They must fight with power.
They must fight with the victorious Word of God.
And we must teach them.
But in order to teach, we first must learn.
""...a miracle is no cute thing but more like the swing of a sword....
We and the world, my children, will always be at war. Retreat is impossible. Arm yourselves.""--Leif Enger, Peace Like a River
Let the LEGACY begin.
(excerpt from The New Legacy Expanded)
As a Believer in the LORD Jesus Christ Who has repented of one's sin and received Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD (John 3:15-17; Romans 10:23), you have the power to speak God's eternal, unchanging, life-saving Truth over your child(ren)-and shape their lives for the Kingdom of God.
You can also speak the Word over yourself, your spouse, your relatives, your co-workers, your church family, the government, and more-to bring healing, deliverance, freedom; and salvation, direction, and more (John 8:31-32, Rom. 10:9)!
In these times of dangerous deception and confusion, it is vital that we teach our children (who are more morally-challenged than all previous generations!) the importance of the Word of God, and that we speak the Word--the real Truth--over them.
The Word of God created the world (John 1:1-4), and what we say has a major impact on our lives and our loved ones (Prov. 18:21; Mark 11:23-24). When we are true Believers in Christ, then the same creative power of words lives in us! We can speak the Word of God, knowing it is always working (Isaiah 55:10-11) as we say it!
Tonja K. Taylor has proven this in her own life, by blessing her own daughter and other children (students in public and private schools and online, as well as other kids she has ministered to through the decades), and shaping their lives by speaking the Word to and over them, directly and through prayer.
This book, which came out of a 6-week class the LORD mandated Tonja to teach in 2006 at a pro-life pregnancy center, will help you learn to find Scriptures to help transform your life and your loved ones for good-for God!
Although the impact of speaking His Word cannot be measured till Heaven, saying what God says is one of the most important use of the gift of speech there is! By faith, we know that He watches over His Word to perform it (Jer. 1:12), and His angels listen to and act on His Word (Psalm 103:20)! Hallelujah!
The New Legacy Expanded has many more pages of material to encourage you to never stop speaking God's Word over your child(ren), yourself, and others. Christ Jesus the King is returning very soon, and we must be ready!