Scott D. Mackie is an Independent Scholar and taught New and Old Testament courses at Loyola Marymount University, USA, Westmont College, USA, and Fuller Theological Seminary, USA. He is the author of Eschatology and Exhortation in the Epistle to the Hebrews (2007) as well as multiple journal essays.
"""The book will serve well both established scholars and students in graduate programs. For those who have lived in Hebrews research for years, picking up Mackie's fine collection of essays will feel like walking into a room full of old friends. For students just beginning to explore the height, breadth, and depth of research on this fascinating, first-century text, these essays will pro-vide interconnected frameworks for interpretation and an invitation to deeper study."" --Catholic Biblical Quarterly ""Scott Mackie has assembled a significant collection of diverse articles dealing with important issues in the interpretation of Hebrews. This collection includes classic as well as more recent studies and its contributors represent a variety of viewpoints. Students of Hebrews are indebted to Dr. Mackie for assembling this material in one handy volume."" --GARETH LEE COCKERILL, ST. GEORGE CENTER FOR BIBLICAL AND PUBLIC THEOLOGY, CANADA ""The past three decades have witnessed an explosion of outstanding research on the once, relatively-neglected book of Hebrews, but that explosion has scattered those unearthed riches far and wide, hidden in a collection of essays here, tucked in a journal article there. Now, Scott Mackie has done the laudable, bringing some of the best work together in one admirably presented volume."" --GEORGE H. GUTHRIE, UNION UNIVERSITY, USA ""Scott Mackie has edited a collection of essays old and new on some of the most important, and most hotly debated, subjects in Hebrews-exegesis. He brings together classic pieces by well-known scholars as well as more recent contributions by younger authors; essays that are time-tested points of reference as well as examinations that have helped to open up new avenues and to spark more recent debates."" --GEORG G�BEL, UNIVERSITY OF M�NSTER, GERMANY ""Important scholarship is often tucked away in Festschrifts and other collections, unbeknownst to the burgeoning scholar. Scott Mackie has done students of Hebrews a great service by bringing this collection of individual articles and chapters together into one place."" --KEN SCHENCK, INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, USA ""Scott D. Mackie, already recognized as a learned and creative interpreter of Hebrews, demonstrates here his masterful command of the secondary literature in both his concise introductions to six major topics of scholarly debate and his judicious selection of exemplary articles. Contemporary students of Hebrews will treasure this book, and future generations will find it a worthy tribute and guide to the golden era of Hebrews scholarship that it documents."" --ERIC F. MASON, JUDSON UNIVERSITY, USA ""This work which brings together different subjects on the same biblical text reveals the conscientious work of a pioneer of research, of a theologian and of a professor anxious to inform the contemporary researcher of the old and recent publications on the epistle to the Hebrews. By producing this work, Mackie has just left a legacy to the literary, theological and biblical world, a tool for quick references and a remarkable scientific resource."" --Laval Th�ologique et Philosophique (Bloomsbury Translation)"