Marian Boswall is a leading landscape architect and horticulturalist, was a lecturer in Historic Garden Conservation at Greenwich University for several years and is a co-founder of the Sustainable Landscape Foundation. Her projects invest in the land for the very long term and wellness is a deeply embedded ethos: Marian works with the way the land can heal and connect us on all levels; in early 2020 she gave a TedX talk on how our gardens can care for us and the earth. Marian writes and lectures on sustainable design and was awarded the Garden Columnist of the Year in 2019. She has also been featured as a Country Life 'Top 50' Garden Designer, House & Garden 'Top 50' UK Garden Designer and Country and Town House 'Top 10' Garden Designer. Marian's first book Sustainable Garden was published by Frances Lincoln in 2022.JASON INGRAMis an award-winning garden and food photographer who photographs plants, gardens and people for magazines and books. His previous published work with Frances Lincoln includes Kitchen Garden Experts, One Pot Gourmet Gardener and The Cut Flower Patch. Jason was judged Photographer of the Year by the Garden Media Guild in 2013 and 2014.
""I found myself crying ‘yes, yes, yes!’ to every page of this beautiful, inspiring, visionary yet practical and compassionate book. This is how we can garden to restore the planet, how we can all do our bit, and enrich our lives in the process."" – Isabella Tree ""Marian Boswall’s thoughts and words are much needed at a critical time when we need to treat the earth in a kinder way."" – Fergus Garrett ""The Kindest Garden is a marvellous presentation of love and action for soil, plants and nature. Everyone who eats needs to be a gardener! A garden is not simply a source of food, it is a source for nourishment of our spirit. The Kindest Garden inspires, informs and encourages our love for the land."" – Satish Kumar, Editor Emeritus, Resurgence magazine and Founder, Schumacher College