Jonas Larson is an Associate Professor in the Section of Quantum Optics and Matter at Stockholm University. He received his PhD degree in 2006 from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. This was followed by a two-year post-doc at ICFO in Barcelona and another two-year fellowship at NORDITA, before earning a young researchers grant from the Swedish Research Council to start his own research at Stockholm University. Today he pursues research in various topics of quantum optics, such as cavity/circuit QED, cold atomic gases, open quantum systems, and quantum critical models. He is a co-author of the book Conical Intersections in Physics: An Introduction to Synthetic Gauge Theories. Themis(toklis) Mavrogordatos received the BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 2009, and the PhD degree in emission properties of dye-doped liquid crystal resonators from the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2014. Following two postdoctoral appointments at the University College London in optomechanics and circuit quantum electrodynamics, he worked as a PDRA with Jonas Larson at Stockholm University. He is currently pursuing further post-doctoral research in the group headed by M. Lewenstein at ICFO, Barcelona.