Dr. NS Chauhan is an Associate Professor in Biochemistry at Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India. For more than a decade, he has devoted his research to understanding microbial community structure and functions to exploit their potential for therapeutic, diagnostic, and industrial applications. He has completed eight major research projects and published numerous studies exploring microbiota composition, microbiome functions, microbiota evolution, and host-microbial interactions. Dr. Sarvajeet Singh Gill is an Assistant Professor at Centre for Biotechnology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. His research focus includes Agricultural Plant Biotechnology; Biotic & Abiotic stress biology, plant microbe interaction and in-silico understanding of plant genomes. In addition to his research and teaching responsibilities he has served as Associate Editor for the Brazilian Journal of Botany, and as Guest Editor of Plant Genes. He was Guest Editor of BioMed Research International’s Special Issue (Plant Stress & Biotechnology); Frontiers in Plant Science, Section-Environmental Toxicology (Topic Title: Phytotoxicity of high and low levels of plant-beneficial heavy metal ions); Frontiers in Plant Science, Section-Crop Science and Horticulture (Topic Title: The Brassicaceae - agri-horticultural and environmental perspectives); Frontiers in Plant Science, Section-Plant Physiology (Topic Title: Recent insights into the double role of hydrogen peroxide in plants); and Functional Genomics Approaches to Decipher Plant Resilience to Environmental Stresses (International Journal of Plant Genomics).