The kingdom of God consists of high and low places, many rooms, and various dimensions. With the help and guidance of the Spirit of God, this book explains the high calling and the journey that guides the hungry heart toward the high place of God's eternal purpose. But what is God's high calling, and to whom is it given? Discover the answer to that question and others, such as: - Who are the called and the chosen? - What is the difference between the calling and the election of God? - Is there a difference between the sons of God by birth and the sons of God by adoption? - What is the fruit produced by the bride of Christ? As you read The High Calling of the Sons of God with an open heart and mind, a shift will occur within your being that will transcend your life from one dimension of spiritual experience to another. Be prepared to discover aspects of truth you may have never seen or heard before. Allow your soul to absorb the mysteries of God's kingdom and the eternal high calling of the sons of God.
Paul M Hanssen Imprint: WestBow Press Dimensions:
Height: 229mm,
Width: 152mm,
Spine: 18mm
Weight: 526g ISBN:9798385040124 Pages: 254 Publication Date:08 January 2025 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Hardback Publisher's Status: Active