Dr Christina (Missy) Rudin-Brown, PhD, CCPE has over 20 years’ experience in transportation safety human factors research and investigation and has published over 100 peer-reviewed publications. She currently manages the Human Factors and Macro Analysis team at the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) and does part-time consulting with Toronto-based Human Factors North, Inc. She has investigated the existence, influence, and management of fatigue in occurrences from all modes of transportation and is an expert member of several international transportation safety committees. She is co-editor, with Dr Samantha Jamson, of the book ""Road Safety and Behavioural Adaptation: Theory, Evidence, and Action"", published by Taylor & Francis (CRC Press). Professor Ashleigh Filtness, PhD is a Professor of Transport Human Factors and Sleep Science at Loughborough University, UK. Ashleigh is fascinated by sleepiness and fatigue and their impact on safety. She has spent over 15 years’ performing transportation safety research and has authored over 90 peer-reviewed publications. Since completing her PhD in 2011 on ‘Obstructive sleep apnoea and daytime driver sleepiness’, Professor Filtness has continued her fatigue research working in the Human Factors groups at the Monash University Accident Research Centre (Melbourne) and the Queensland University of Technology’s Centre for Accident Research and Road safety in Australia before moving to the Transport Safety Research Centre at Loughborough University in 2016. Her research seeks to better understand the situations that contribute to sleepiness/fatigue and how these can best be managed to reduce the impact on safety. She specialises in vehicle operator impairment in road and rail transport and has a wealth of experience conducting competitively funded research, industry and government funded projects seeking to improve safety.