Dr. Tinnirello is an independent researcher and visiting lecturer in International Relations, Conflict and Security at Northumbria University in Amsterdam. He is also a Member of the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES), Department of Political Science - Ghent University, Belgium He is also a Member of the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES), Department of Political Science - Ghent University. Belgium He has held academic positions in both the Global South and North, and he has also worked as an international researcher and policy consultant on global security and military corruption issues. He has been the Vice-Chair and Programme Chair of the Science, Technology and Art in International Relations section at The International Studies Association since 2019. Dr. Tinnirello holds a PhD from the School of Politics and International Relations, and an MA in International Conflict Analysis from the University of Kent, UK. He was a recipient of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Initial Training Award, and a visiting PhD fellow at Coimbra University. His research has primarily focused on how global capitalism and its ideology have affected global politics and security, as well as intellectual thought and what societies can do to free themselves from capitalism’s grip. Dr. Tinnirello applies his understanding of our historical, intellectual, and political era to address international political challenges arising from an epoch-transforming technology like artificial intelligence.