The Gift is a heartwarming story for children of all ages. While sick in the hospital, Loxley finds a new friend in a stuffed bear named Patch. Loxley's one wish is to be the flower girl in her Aunt Sam's wedding, but there may not be a wedding at all. With the love that her family has for each other (and a little bit of help from Patch), will Loxley be able to convince Aunt Sam to have a real wedding?
This story will help adults explain, in a sensitive and caring way, what matters most and encourage connection with loved ones while they're still here.
Laura-Lee Blackmore Illustrated by:
Paul Schultz Imprint: Miriam Laundry Publishing Dimensions:
Height: 279mm,
Width: 216mm,
Spine: 6mm
Weight: 413g ISBN:9781779441621 ISBN 10: 1779441622 Pages: 34 Publication Date:16 October 2024 Recommended Age: From 5 to 8 years Audience:
English as a second language
Format:Hardback Publisher's Status: Active