S.M. Sharei, PhD in International Law, is a principal in the UN Charter, Global Governance, and International Constitutional Law. Sharei co-founded the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research, specializing in research and policy recommendations on international legislation-driven governance of AI, climate change, the Security Council and UN reform.
What the stakeholders said atThe San Francisco Anti-Veto RebellionIf a great power could cast a cloak of protection over a small aggressor power by the exercise of the right of veto, then the work of the Security Council would be reduced to complete futility. -Peter Fraser, Prime Minister, New Zealand The Charter is the greatest document of its kind that has ever been formulated. -Tom Connally, Chair of the US Senate on Foreign Relations and the UNCIO Chair on Security Council, the USA If unanimity really existed among the great powers the veto was superfluous. Furthermore, the veto might help to bring on war through lack of action by the Council. The Cuban Delegation wanted not only world order but world justice. -Guillermo Belt Ramirez, Head of Delegation, Cuba The veto was contrary to the principle of equality of nations expressed in the Preamble of the Charter...'constitutional revision' is a must. -Dr. Bertha Lutz, one of only 6 women in 200+ delegates with voting rights, Brazil The United Nations is 'no enchanted palace'. -Lord Halifax, The Acting Chairman, the UK If this unanimity rule were not to be applied at the end of ten years to any proposal regarding the amendment of the Charter, we could safely, and with complete trust and confidence in the five great powers, agree to the complete Yalta formula during the intervening period of ten years. -Ramaswami Mudaliar, Chief Delegate, India In drawing this Charter, we have recognized that it must be flexible-that we must be able to undo later anything which proves unworkable or clumsy in new circumstances, or to readjust particular features of the Organization to the happier world which we believe a lasting peace will bring into being. Francis Forde, Prime Minister, Australia The proposed Council is a 'quasi-judicial' organ that mixes the jury, the judge, and the executioner. -Eelco van Kleffens, FM, Netherlands Charter, a world order in which the mice could be stamped out but in which the lion would not be restrained. -Ezequiel Padilla, FM, Mexico 'Yes, ' I went on; 'You can say you defeated the veto...But you can also say, we tore up the charter!' At that point, I sweepingly ripped the charter draft in my hands to shreds and flung the scraps with disgust on the table. The delegates fell silent, while I stared belligerently at one face after another. -Senator Tom Connally, Autobiography, USA The great majority of the countries represented in this Conference, however, do share the fears of Colombia and of Cuba...as our negative vote. -Lleras Camargo, FM, Colombia After a time, the great powers would be willing to consider elimination of the veto. -T. V. Soong, Minister for Foreign Affairs, China In memory of President Roosevelt at the Tehran Conference, Iran has proposed amendments to the Charter to make ICJ jurisdiction obligatory and replace the Council veto with a two-thirds majority vote. -Mostafa Adle-Justice Minister, Iran Belgium believed that providing for a 'full examination' of the Charter in a review conference would demonstrate that the opportunity for reform exists. -Paul-Henri Spaak, FM, Belgium What was called the veto of the great powers is certainly not in keeping with the legal ideal, which we do not despair, will someday be established by common accord between peoples. -Georges Bidault, FM, France