Linda Tallent was for many years an early years teacher and local authority school improvement officer. She founded the Learning and Training Consultancy (LTC), a training company providing support and advice to primary schools. She worked as an independent educational consultant, providing advice, support and training locally, nationally and internationally to teachers, senior managers and local authority officers. Her knowledge of child development and early years practice enabled her to support schools to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning, ensuring that all children—whatever their background, gender, or special educational need—achieve as well as possible. In her final years she continued to work tirelessly to provide EYFS practitioners with resources to help them improve their provision for children. Jean Thompson has been a teacher for over twenty years in both Special Education and Primary mainstream schools. For the past twenty years she has been a consultant for SEND and Inclusion in a Local Authority in the North East of England. Jean has always had and continues to have a passion for promoting the early identification of and intervention for children who may require support. She now holds the additional position of Virtual School Headteacher for children in care and children in need. Jean continues to deliver high quality training to teachers and practitioners, including those who are newly qualified. She acts as a mentor for SENDCOs from early years settings through to Secondary schools and was an associate tutor for the National Award for SENDCOs.