The Daughters of Eve is a book written about fifteen women in the Bible who are not much different than we are. They had the same hopes, dreams, desires and faults that many women face today. What I attempted to do in the pages of this book is take a closer look at our sisters and try to imagine how things were in their times and even imagine how they may have thought or felt. Some of these women had to come up against insurmountable odds. They had to deal with racism, sexism, slavery, domestic abuse, feast and famine and much more. Some were queens, peasants, prophetess and prostitutes. Whatever their lot in life, God thought it was important enough to place them between the pages of the greatest book of all times, the Bible. I pray something you read will inspire you in your walk with the Lord.
Linda R Seay Imprint: Xlibris Us Country of Publication: United States Dimensions:
Height: 229mm,
Width: 152mm,
Spine: 5mm
Weight: 127g ISBN:9781413490329 ISBN 10: 1413490328 Pages: 80 Publication Date:09 May 2005 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active