Richard Bach worked as an Air Force tactical fighter pilot, a motion picture stunt pilot, an aviation technical writer, and a flight instructor before becoming one of the world's bestselling authors. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.
'It's a sharp, clever page turner, ideal for the 12-going-on-16-year-old in your life' -- Irish Independent Irish Independent 'Light and chatty and written in journal form, [Blue Lavender Girl and Copper Girl] also reflect the concerns of the mid-teens.' -- Sunday Independent The Sunday Independent 'If your idea of a good time involves an unputdownable book and a duvet then we suggest you get your hands on any of the Journal series from O'Brien Press - and hit the sack! The three (so far) books are written in the form of diaries and are witty, funny and seriously good. And you can quote us on that.' -- KISS magazine 'Journals is a series of clever and engaging books' -- Anglo Celt Anglo Celt Newspaper