Gwendoline Smith B Soc Sci, M Soc Sci (hons), Dip Clin Psych is a clinical psychologist, speaker, blogger and the author of the books Depression Explained and Sharing the Load. She also goes by the name Dr Know.
'This book is gold. It uses such clear, easy-to-read language.' Rachel Grunwell New Zealand Herald 'If only I had read this book when I was a teen, I would've saved myself years of confusion and torment.' Ghazaleh Golbakhsh, Villainesse 'It's an amazing book. I didn't even pick this up off the table of a pile of them...where they were being sold as 'Must Haves'. It was one book, sitting on a shelf, in category on its own. I hadn't read about or heard the buzz about it. As soon as I picked it up and flicked through, it spoke about all the things I have been trying to say to our girls but didn't have the right language. It's clever, topical and very relatable. Well done you....and a big Thank you! I'm so impressed with the book. Am reading it from cover to cover, passing it on to one child and buying a copy for the other child and every single niece and nephew. It's genius.' Anonymous, Facebook