Who is Br. Christos Jonathan Seth Hayward (thou / thee / thy / thine)? A man, made in the image of God and summoned to ascend to the heights of the likeness of God. A great sinner, and in fact, the chief of sinners. One who is, moment by moment, in each ascetical decision choosing to become one notch more a creature of Heaven, or one notch more a creature of Hell, until his life is spent and his eternal choice between Heaven and Hell is eternally sealed.Man, mediator, midpoint, microcosm, measure: as man he is the recapitulation of the entire spiritual and visible creation, having physical life in common with plants and animals, and noetic life in common with rank upon rank of angel host, and forever in the shadow of that moment when Heaven kissed earth and God and the Son of God became Man and the Son of Man that men and the sons of men might become gods and the sons of God.He's also a writer with a few hobbies, but really, there are more important things in life.
"Reviewed by D. Donovan in the Midwest Book Review. Originally titled, Hidden Price Tags: An Eastern Orthodox Look at the Dark Side of Technology and Its Best Use: Volume 2, Works of Art. Hidden Price Tags V. 2: Works of Art C.J.S. Hayward's intersection of science, spiritual thinking, and technology receives an uncommon and powerful focus in Hidden Price Tags V. 2: Works of Art, which operates as both a supplement to his prior treatises on technology and spiritual thinking and a unique intersection between elements of Orthodox Christian works and an analysis of technology's impact on spiritual thinking in the world. Hayward builds a case for caution and outright abstinence as the ever-increasing list of new technologies affecting daily lives promises not only revised visions of reality, but impacts on spiritual thought and choices. This, in turn, reflects a more reasoned approach to choosing and employing technology's assets based on its long-ranging impact rather than just its artificial allure. He tackles some heady subjects, indeed: ""'What is good for us as human beings?' This in turn includes 'What use and abstention from technology is good for us as human beings?' That question drives this whole series. I do not write to reason you into being Orthodox, but I would be mistreating you to use anything less than the best resources I know to answer the challenges of technology and using technology without burning yourself."" Hayward adopts a wide-ranging, freestyle approach to his subject, injecting analysis of such disparate works as Damon Knight's thought-provoking short story ""To Serve Man"" and Douglas Adams's ""The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."" These readings are linked with key facets of technological choice and perception, with personal reflection and group debate encouraged through questions that promote readers to link their literary pursuits with concurrent reflections on choices in technological employment (or deployment, as the case might be). Few other treatises would juxtapose subjects ranging from Louis Carroll to vaccines, Einstein, and Biblical scholarship. Few, also would tackle the wider-ranging applications of Christian Orthodoxy to matters of public health, mental acuity, and the dark side of technological developments. Though some might critique the wide-ranging nature of Hayward's connections here, indeed, their ability to enlighten, educate, and provoke discussion and debate is one of this book and the series' strengths. It examines a seemingly-disparate collection of artistic and literary works as they relate to issues of choice, spiritual pursuits, and ultimate impact. Perhaps the greatest application of Hayward's rambling and revealing discourse will be to spark debates among younger generations. In this, Hayward offers particularly thought-provoking food for thought: ""Technology has its uses, but when technology is a drone, noise in the background that prevents silence from getting too uncomfortable, then it is a spiritual problem, a tool to medicate experience. And there are some technologies, like video games, that exist to medicate experience."" The title Hidden Price Tags comes with a caution: entering the book's title on Amazon and other places results in too many 'hits' for similar-sounding 'price tag' guides.Libraries, readers, and book groups either familiar with Hayward's previous writings or interested in works that are heady, revealing, potentially controversial, and immersed in Eastern Orthodoxy's connections to modern life will want to include Hidden Price Tags V. 2: Works of Art in their collections and on their reading lists. Its ability to draw creative connections between Orthodoxy, modern thinking and beliefs, and underlying spiritual connections makes it a standout of vast importance to thinking readers."