Originally published as a collection in 2006, this volume covers the Atlantic slave trade from its origins to 1600, the selection of essays here look at the reasons for the causes of slavery and serfdom; slavery in Africa; the development of the slave trade; the demographic situation in Latin America; and European attitudes to slavery as an institution. The volume also has an introduction by the editor commenting on the contribution each essay makes.
Edited by:
Jeremy Black (University of Exeter UK)
Imprint: Routledge
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Height: 244mm,
Width: 169mm,
Weight: 620g
ISBN: 9781032423524
ISBN 10: 1032423528
Series: The Atlantic Slave Trade
Pages: 422
Publication Date: 30 December 2022
College/higher education
Professional and scholarly
Format: Hardback
Publisher's Status: Active
Introduction 1. The Causes of Slavery or Serfdom: A Hypothesis, Evsey D. Domar 2. Some Considerations Relating to Property Rights in Man, Stanley L. Engerman 3. The Volume of the Atlantic Slave Trade: A Synthesis, Paul E. Lovejoy 4. The Inter-Atlantic Paradigm: The Failure of Spanish Medieval Colonization of the Canary and Caribbean Islands, Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo 5. Waranga, Akan and Portuguese in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries: The Matter of Bitu, Ivor Wilks 6. Slavery in Africa and the Slave Trades from Africa, Janet J. Ewald 7. Slaves and Society in Western Africa, c.1445-c.1700, J. D. Fage 8. Estimating Aboriginal American Population: An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate, Henry F. Dobyns 9. The Indian Population of North America in 1492, John D. Daniels 10. The Tanios of Hispaniola: The Island’s First Inhabitants, Frank Moya Pons 11. Indian Labor and New World Plantations: European Demands and Indian Responses in Northeastern Brazil, Stuart B. Schwartz 12. Cultural Change and Military Resistance in Araucanian Chile, 1550-1730, Robert Charles Padden 13. From Indian to Slave: Forced Native Labour and Colonial Society in São Paulo during the Seventeenth Century, John M. Monteiro 14. Iberian Expansion and the Issue of Black Slavery: Changing Portuguese Attitudes, 1440-1700, A. J. R. Russell-Wood 15. English Trade with the Portuguese Empire in West Africa, 1581-1629, John W. Blake 16. Protestants as Pirates, Slavers and Proto-missionaries: Sierra Leone 1568 and 1582, P. E. H. Hair 17. From Africa to the Americas: Ethnicity in the Early Black Communities of the Americas, Colin A. Palmer. Name Index.