C L Miller started working life in publishing as an editorial assistant for her mother, Judith Miller, on the Miller's Antique Price Guide, and as a researcher for the Antique Hunter's Guide to Europe, and then went into hospitality and events. After she had children, she decided to follow her long held dream of becoming an author and began writing full-time. She was an Undiscovered Voices winner in 2022 and was showcased in the UV 2022 anthology. C L lives in a medieval cottage in Dedham Vale, Suffolk with her family.
The perfect modern cosy. Great characters, great story and you're always eager for the next one. -- Ian Moore, author of <i> Death and Croissants <i/> CL Miller does it again - clever, twisty, and enormously fun, The Antique Hunter’s Death on the Red Sea is the perfect second adventure for antique hunter Freya and her glamorous Aunt Carole. Expertly laid breadcrumbs take the reader on a deep-dive into the world of black market antiques, with the perfect balance of action, international antique-hunting flair, and of course Aunt Carole’s signature wit. -- Kristen Perrin, author of <i> How to Solve Your Own Murder </i> The Antique Hunter's Death on the Red Sea is such a joy – jam-packed with secrets, suspense and characters who simply leap off the page. I was utterly swept up in the world of antiques and art theft, reveling in the peril on the high seas, rooting for Freya Lockwood and the iconic Aunt Carole on every page! Congratulations to C.L. Miller for a magnificent instalment in the Antique Hunters series – and roll on Book 3! -- Alex Hay, author of <i> The Housekeepers <i/> Freya and Aunt Carole, everyone’s favourite antique-hunting, mystery-solving duo, return in a sequel that somehow manages to be even more captivating than their first adventure. Rich with enigmatic artifacts and antiquities, full of intriguing characters with secrets to spare, and sparkling with all the charm of the classics of the Golden Age of Detective Fiction, Antique Hunter’s Death on the Red Sea is a delightful, page-turning caper that invites readers to lose themselves in the twists and turns of this memorable voyage. -- Tom Ryan, author of <i> The Treasure Hunters Club <i/> C L Miller a writer of that rarest vintage, painting beautiful words to create a compelling story. This is another classic and I tore through this gripping and gratifying mystery. -- Maz Evans, author of <i> Over My Dead Body <i> Come sail away with your new favorite investigative duo. But keep your wits about you because art, like life, can be deceptive and even dangerous. Will Freya and Carole figure out who the real collector is before it’s too late? It’s a delight to find out. -- Catherine Mack, author of <i> Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies <i/> An intriguingly complex locked-cruise-ship mystery filled with wonderful characters, murdery twists, humor, and fascinating antiquities details, Miller’s The Antique Hunter’s Death on the Red Sea is a page-turning delight from start to finish. I enjoyed it every bit as much as I thought I would! -- Celeste Connally, author of <i> Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Lord <i/> Antique’s hunter, Freya, is back in this riotously entertaining voyage to the Red Sea. The story thumps along at a rate of knots as C L Miller delivers another expertly plotted and intriguing mystery. -- Jessica Bull, author of <i> Miss Austen Investigates <i/>