Tara Link is the developer and coordinator of the new teacher induction program (S.H.I.N.E) for the Moberly School District in Missouri. As a career K-12 educator and practitioner, she has served in many roles from a classroom teacher to learning leadership and instructional coaching. Her district was chosen as only two districts in the United States and among 15 in the entire world to be an example of visible learning implementation for Dr. John Hattie's work. Dr. Harry Wong also continuously highlighted Moberly School District in his work as they became an example for the education world of a research-based practice that when done well, creates results for student engagement and learning. Beth Whitaker is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Missouri – Columbia. She is a former classroom teacher and principal in Missouri. During her tenure at Mizzou, Beth received the University of Missouri William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence and the College of Education and Human Development Golden Apple for Teaching Excellence and the Outstanding College of Teaching Award. Beth was also an award-winning professor at Indiana State University prior to her employment at Mizzou.