Etelka Farkas was appointed Full Professor of Chemistry at the University of Debrecen in 1999. After receiving her scientific degree (D.Sc.) from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) in 1998, she has worked as elected member in some HAS Committees, e.g., the Committee on Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry (2011-), the Doctoral Council of Chemical Sciences (2018-2021), and she chaired the Working Commitee of Coordination Chemistry (2011-2017). From 2006-2019 she was also Chair of the International Relations of the Hungarian Chemical Society. She received many awards; to mention just three of them: (2005) Gold Cross of Merit of the Hungarian Republic; (2012) Albert Szent-Györgyi Award; (2019) Faculty of Science and Technology Award of the University of Debrecen. Professor Farkas was Editor of the RSC Specialist Periodical Reports (Vols. 37, 38, and 39) on Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins for the years 2012, 2013, and 2015. Furthermore, she was Guest Editor of the Special Issue 472 (2018) of Inorganica Chimica Acta and of the issue 206 (2020) of the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. Professor Farkas is very familiar with the MILS series having co-authored chapters in previous volumes. Celine J. Marmion was appointed Full Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (now RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences) in 2018. She is currently President of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland, the national body representing all chemists in Ireland, the third female only to be elected as President since its establishment in 1922. She also co-founded the Irish Biological Inorganic Chemistry Society (IBICS) in 2017 and served as its President from 2018-2019. She has received several awards, among these is the prestigious RCSI Dean's Award in 2016 for 'Endeavour, Innovation, Collaboration and Service' to RCSI, an award presented to only one academic across the University each year. More recently, she was the recipient of a national 'Teaching Hero' award in 2021 and also in 2016 (as nominated by students) as well as the recipient of several RCSI President's Teaching Awards. Her current research focuses on the rational design and development of multi-targeted metallodrug candidates for therapeutic exploitation. Professor Marmion is well familiar with the MILS series having published comprehensive reviews of two volumes.