Hugh and Jane have raised three children and built international corporations for 32 years. They call Australia home but have travelled to 90+ nations; encountering social injustices such as human trafficking, poverty and hunger. These experiences inspired a journey to transform societies rooted in greed, fear, and corruption towards ones motivated by caring, sharing and prosperity.
"""This book is transformational, written by a man who has allowed God to crack open his heart, speak into areas of brokenness, and cast vision not only into his business but also his identity. Take These lessons and run with them. They are brilliant, generous, and designed for reformation."" - Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, CA, Author of The Way of Life and Raising Giant-Killers ""Hugh Marquis is a man on a voyage. A voyage to take as many business leaders into the redefinition of success that he can carry. I'm excited to recommend to you Take Your Framework and Stick It Up Your Pipeline as you board this Argosy for what God has for you!"" - Danny Silk, President of Loving on Purpose, Author of Business of Honor, Keep Your Love On and Culture of Honor"