Leslie R. Rudnick is President of Designed Materials Group, consulting in the fields of lubricants, lubrication and working on the development of new materials. Formerly, the Technical Director at Ultrachem Inc. He was a Senior Scientist at the Energy Institute, at The Pennsylvania State University and has worked at several Fortune 500 companies. The author, coauthor, editor and coeditor of over 100 journal articles, book chapters and books, including Synthetic Lubricants and High Performance Functional Fluids, Second Edition (Marcel Dekker, Inc.), Lubricant Additives: Chemistry and Applications, 1st and 2nd editions and the 1st and 2nd Editions of Synthetics, Mineral Oils and Bio-Based Lubricants (Taylor and Francis Books). He holds 29 US patents and is a Fellow of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, and a member of The American Chemical Society. Dr. Rudnick serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Synthetic Lubrication. He holds a B. S. degree (1969) from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and M.S. (1972) and PhD, (1975) degrees in chemistry from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. He is currently working on the 3rd Edition of Lubricant Additives: Chemistry and Applications.