Mary Steen is Professor of Midwifery at the Faculty of Health and Social Care at the University of Chester, UK. She has practiced as a midwife for 23 years and worked in a community setting since 1994, attending numerous homebirths. She has recently helped to develop a successful community-based health and well-being programme intended to increase the numbers of active births and homebirths.
'I have found no weaknesses in this book as it is well evidenced, professional and does highlight the issues that can go wrong, but what can be done to rectify this when giving birth at home.' - Jane Brown, Worcs Acute NHS Trust, Nursing 'In a climate where women are expected to be offered a choice of homebirth but this is not yet a reality for most women this is an important resource for midwives and students alike. Homebirth engenders a great deal of media attention but there is only limited educational material available on the topic. This book therefore fills a significant gap in the market. I would recommend it to you.' - Professor Cathy Warwick CBE, Royal College of Midwives General Secretary. 'This comprehensive book elucidates the process of home birth from antenatal visit to post-birth assessment using a combination of theory, practice and case studies. It is informative and thoughtful, supporting and encouraging midwives to confidently care for women choosing home birth.' - Dr Christine Shea, Independent Risk Management and Communications Consultant, and home birth (VBAC) mother. 'A resource to ensure that there is always support for mothers and midwives to encourage a home birth, even when the circumstances are not straightforward. Written by midwives, the inclusion of mothers' experiences provides a rich balance.' - Dawn Johnston, Clinical Director of Women's Services Directorate at Whipps Cross University Hospital, UK.