Originally published in 1991. This edited work consists of contributions from practitioners in the field of school improvement, development and advisory work. It is to help advisory and support personnel understand the process of school improvement and to explore the management and development of this work in the context of changes brought about by legislation. The book is for those who are concerned with developing the educational experiences for all children through improving schools. This includes teachers and all those with advisory roles: inspectors, advisers, advisory teachers, educational psychologists, curriculum development officers and external consultants.
Preface 1. School Improvement and the Problem of Educational Change David Hopkins 2. Supporting Services within Schools: The Development of the Advisory Services Jenny Reeves 3. The Collaborative Dimension Susan Hart 4. An Advisory Teacher: A Case Study Jan Campbell 5. Working With and Through Others: Aspects of Communication Colleen McLaughlin 6. Managing and Evaluating the Work Colleen McLaughlin and Martyn Rouse 7. Effective INSET: The Role of the Outsider Martyn Rouse 8. Providing an Advisory Service to Schools in the 1990s Mel West 9. Exploring the Partnership between the LEA Advisory and Inspection Service and Schools Ken Shooter and Mel West