Kenneth K.W. Kwan is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). His research interests include actuating materials for artificial muscles. He obtained his bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from HKU in 2010, 2011, and 2016, respectively. Alfonso H.W. Ngan is Kingboard Professor in materials engineering and chair in materials science and engineering at HKU. He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom in 1992, and carried out postdoctoral research work at the University of Oxford, before joining HKU in 1993. His research interests include nanomechanics, smart actuating materials, and microstructural basis of material properties. His research-related honors include Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Rosenhain Medal and Prize from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, higher doctorate (DSc) from the University of Birmingham, and the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship.