LEONARD MLODINOW received his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of California, Berkeley, was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute, and was on the faculty of the California Institute of Technology. His previous books include the best sellers The Grand Design and A Briefer History of Time (both with Stephen Hawking), Subliminal (winner of the PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award), and War of the Worldviews (with Deepak Chopra), as well as Elastic, Euclid’s Window, Feynman’s Rainbow, and The Upright Thinkers.
Leonard Mlodinow has done the impossible. He has skillfully woven together a thoughtful, insightful, intimate, and engaging portrait of Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest minds of our times, while being scrupulously faithful to the physics. Hawking would have been proud of this book. Based on his 15 year association with Hawking, he also answers one of the most puzzling questions asked by the public: How was Hawking consistently able to make breathtaking discoveries in physics while suffering from a paralyzing, debilitating illness that would have crushed any mortal? --Michio Kaku, New York Times best-selling author of The Future of Humanity Stephen Hawking surpassed science and touched the world with his transcendent genius and heroic courage that inspired millions. In this intimate memoir, his long-time friend and physics collaborator Leonard Mlodinow, one of the finest science writers of our time, shares insights into Hawking that humanizes him while also revealing what made him one of history's greatest minds. --Michael Shermer, author of The Believing Brain An intimate, unique, and inspiring perspective on the life and work of one of the greatest minds of our time. Filled with insight, humor, and never-before-told stories, it's a view of Stephen Hawking that few have seen and all will appreciate. --James Clear, author of Atomic Habits Stephen Hawking was a unique scientist and person, and Leonard Mlodinow's book is a unique glimpse into how he worked and lived. As educational as it is touching, this is a deeply human look at a mind that spanned the cosmos. --Sean Carroll, author of Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime An illuminating portrait of perseverance and determination. A valuable account of an extraordinary man. --Kirkus Reviews