Ben Robinson is best known as the man behind the Official Star Trek Starships collection, the largest and best-regarded collections of model Star Trek ships ever produced. He has been involved with Star Trek for 20 years. Ben was the launch editor of the huge Star Trek Fact Files reference work, which sold over 50 million units. Then he went on to edit the US Star Trek: The Magazine, which ran between 1999 and 2003. He has co-written two Haynes Manuals, the first featuring all seven Enterprises, and the second focusing on the Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Ben is particularly passionate about the writing, design, and visual effects behind the series. In the last two decades he has conducted extensive interviews with many of the most significant figures in the history of Star Trek from Dorothy Fontana and Matt Jefferies to Michael Piller, Ira Steven Behr, Ron D. Moore, and Bryan Fuller. Based in the UK.