Henry R. Darko is a born-again Christian who believes that Jesus has restored man's fellowship with the Father by allowing him to be approved by God through His son. He is ardent about teaching the love of God to help people transform their lives. He is also the author of the book The Enemy Inside. He holds a B. Sc. degree in Mathematics from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. In addition, he earned his BSc Ing. (Computer Science and Communication Engineering) and MSc. Ing (Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Major in Communication Engineering). Degrees from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany. He has offered his services at the Tamale Technical University, Tamale Ghana, Social Security and National Insurance Trust Ghana, Makita Wurzburg, Duisburg, Germany, and Philips Priv-ID, Eindhoven, Netherlands. His message dwells on the importance of intercession in these last days or end times and God's requirements for effective intervention. Furthermore, it defines intercessory prayers, intercessors, and their qualities and discusses how to intercede. It also highlights how to eliminate the hindrances to prayers and the benefits of intercession for God's glory. Henry R. Darko is now a servant of the Almighty. As a member of the body of Christ, he has served and ministered in various capacities. He is blessed with the company of his wife, Ama, and children. Additionally, he is passionate about teaching and intercession.