Professor Frederik Krebs is based at the Riso National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy in Denmark where he is part of the Solar Energy Program. The aim of the program is to synthesize new materials for light harvesting and to optimize the structure of the solar cell with regards to energy conversion, stability and cost. Professor Krebs has been working in the field of polymer solar cells for over 10 years, focusing his efforts on the materials, manufacture and stability of solar cells. His research group are international pioneers, leading the way in their work on organic and polymeric solar cells. He has authored more than 200 publications, has written 2 books on organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and has hosted a conference on the stability of polymer solar cells (ISOS-3 International Summit on OPV Stabilty). He has also edited many journal special issues on organic photovoltaics, including one dedicated to their stability. In 2009, Professor Krebs received the Carlsberg Energy Research Prize in recognition of his work in polymer solar cells.