João G. Pereira is the research and development director at Romao de Sousa Foundation in Portugal and an academic lecturer at Metanoia Institute in London in research and doctoral programmes. He is the president of the International Community for Democratic and Relational Practices (formerly INDTC) and has contributed to developing dialogic practices in several contexts.
""Slow Psychiatry represents a direct challenge to our current metal health services and their focus on decontextualised, individual pathology. It offers an alternative approach based on relationships and community and maps paths to making that a reality. A must read for all involved with mental health, which turns out to be all of us."" Dr John Read, professor of clinical psychology University of East London. Author of Models of Madness, 2013 ""Psychiatry has failed to introduce services good enough for the most severe mental health crises. This book opens a new humanistic perspective. It is based on open companionship between the professionals and those in need for help. Dialogical points of view instead of focusing on symptoms; respecting the other without conditions instead of psycho-pathologizing normal human reactions are the answers. Open dialogues have proved outcomes never seen in conventional services."" Jaakko Seikkula, professor of psychotherapy, University of Jyväskylä ""There is growing understanding globally that changes in mental health policies and services are needed, with emphasis on human rights based approach. For those who wish to be well equipped for moving ahead with good practices, this book is strongly recommended."" Dainius Pūras, professor of psychiatry at Vilnius University and former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health