Iris Julian (formerly Gütler), born in 1975, is a cultural scientist who holds a doctorate in philosophy from the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien and was a member of the research group »Mediale Teilhabe« located at the Universität Konstanz, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste and the Universität Hamburg. Her research scrutinises collaborative working processes in dance and performance. Gerald Siegmund is Professor of Applied Theatre Studies at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. He studied Theatre, English and French literature at Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main. From 2005 to 2008 he was assistant professor at the Institute of Theatre Studies in Berne, Switzerland. Among his research interests are theatre and memory, aesthetics, dance, performance and theatre since the beginning of the 20th century. He was head of the DFG-research group »Theatre as Dispositif« where he researched the theatrical dispositifs in Germany since the 1960s. Between 2012 and 2016 Gerald Siegmund was president of the German Association for Theatre Studies (GTW). His most recent publications are »Jérôme Bel. Dance, Theatre, and the Subject« (Palgrave Macmillan 2017) and together with Rebekah Kowal und Randy Martin »The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Politics« (Oxford University Press 2017).