SimplyYour Money will empower you to gain control of your money and how you earn, spend, and save. You will learn basic information on how to best position money in your financial institution accounts. Regardless of your age or education, you will find tips that will save you time and cash. Included are several ways to save and be creative with what you already spend daily and how to increase your income with little effort.
Once you have read through the book and made personal notes regarding your own accounts, ask a bank or credit union financial advisor to review your financial situation to assist you, make the changes, and start earning.
M E Magalousis Imprint: Covenant Books Dimensions:
Height: 229mm,
Width: 152mm,
Spine: 5mm
Weight: 122g ISBN:9798886443394 Pages: 74 Publication Date:13 February 2023 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active