Victor V. Kotlyar is the head of the Laboratory at the Image Processing Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a branch of the Federal Scientific Research Center, ""Crystallography and Photonics,"" and professor of computer science at Samara National Research University. He received his MS, PhD, and DrSc degrees in physics and mathematics from Samara State University (1979), Saratov State University (1988), and Moscow Central Design Institute of Unique Instrumentation, the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992). He is the coauthor of 300 scientific papers, 6 books, and 7 inventions. His interests include diffractive optics, gradient optics, nanophotonics, and optical vortices. Sergey S. Stafeev earned a master’s degree in applied mathematics and physics at Samara State Aerospace University (2009). He is a researcher at the Laser Measurements Laboratory at the Image Processing Systems Institute оf the Russian Academy of Sciences, a branch of the Federal Scientific Research Center, ""Crystallography and Photonics."" His interests include diffractive optics, FDTD methods, and near-field optics. Anton G. Nalimov graduated from Samara State Aerospace University in February 2003. He entered postgraduate study in 2003 with a specialty in mathematical modeling and program complexes, which he completed in 2006 with a specialty in optics. He is an associate professor at the Technical Cybernetics Department at Samara National Research University and a scientist at the Image Processing Systems Institute оf the Russian Academy of Sciences, a branch of the Federal Scientific Research Center, ""Crystallography and Photonics."" He is a candidate in physics and mathematics and the coauthor of 130 papers and 3 inventions.