Jeffrey Weeks is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at London South Bank University, UK. He is a renowned historian and sociologist of human sexuality and a pioneering writer on LGBTQ+ identities and ways of life. He is the author of numerous books including Sexuality and Its Discontents: Meanings, Myths, and Modern Sexualities (Routledge, 1985), The World We Have Won: The Remaking of Erotic and Intimate Life (Routledge, 2007), The Languages of Sexuality (Routledge, 2011), and Sex, Politics and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality Since 1800 (Fourth Edition, Routledge, 2017). His work has been widely recognised internationally and translated into various languages. He is the recipient of the Gold Medal of the World Association for Sexual Health and was awarded an OBE in 2012 for his contribution to social science.