Do you have inner peace? How did you get there? Was your road smooth or rocky?If you are like most people then I'm willing to bet that your road was Rocky. Sometimes we think we're the only one going through the challenges, the Hills and the obstacles. If you don't give up you will eventually succeed. Sometimes shorter, sometimes longer, sometimes once, sometimes twice, sometimes a hundred times. The longer you keep trying the more obstacles you'll probably come across and master. In this amazing book are authors have come together to share a variety of eclectic experiences to help show you that you are not alone and that you can have it all and you can overcome and you will and it will work out.
Thank you for purchasing this book and empowering yourself and others with it.
Love and Light
Marianne Padjan
Marianne Padjan, Jose Escobar, Candice Gaddy Imprint: Mpowered Voice Publishing Dimensions:
Height: 229mm,
Width: 152mm,
Spine: 7mm
Weight: 181g ISBN:9781989373507 ISBN 10: 198937350X Pages: 130 Publication Date:25 December 2024 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active