Bruce Warshal is an eighty-six-year-old who has schlepped through life without a road map as a Reform rabbi, economics instructor, Yale-trained lawyer, not-for-profit executive director, and CEO of a newspaper chain. He hasn't decided what he wants to be when he grows up.
"""Schlep--most of us think to 'drag' or to 'haul.' But the Oxford dictionary defines it as a 'slow difficult journey, especially one that you do not want to make.' Bruce Warshal takes us on a challenging journey of questioning our beliefs in God, Judaism, ethics, and the Jewish people. He uses much of his own experience and background in helping us find, not necessarily the answers, but the questions to provide us with meaning in our life and world."" --Robert Silvers, rabbi emeritus, Congregation B'nai Israel ""Bruce Warshal is a tough-minded, soft-hearted liberal who writes in a unique style that belies its rabbinical erudition. His masterful exploration of emotional and intellectual intelligences related to situational ethics that should inform real-life decision-making is essential reading."" --Robert E. Kaufman, retired foreign service officer"