Wisdom seems elusive in an unhinged world where people see themselves as ultimate authorities, but God never meant for His children to be ignorant about how to live in any circumstances. Throughout His Word, the Bible, God calls His people to a better way-His Way! In the book of Proverbs He lays out thirty-one chapters of nitty-gritty, nuts-and-bolts, practical truth about life that works!
In this 8-week flexible study you'll learn how to walk with confidence in a world of wolves, obeying Jesus' command to ""be wise as serpents and innocents as doves.""
It's time to be savvy!
The world we're living in is changing. Rapidly. Make no mistake. Strategies that worked for our parents don't work today because our world is fundamentally different. Recently, I met a woman who grew up in Michigan and then spent 20 years doing missionary work in Holland. Her comment on moving back to the United States and settling in New England: ""It is surprisingly similar to Holland."" It wasn't a compliment. She returned home to a different country. The United States she left after college no longer exists.
If you live somewhere else in the world, your home has changed, too. Technology has connected us to information and to one another in ways that only science fiction writers dream of. But for every uplifting ""GoFundMe"" story, there is a tale from the dark side of technology, the anonymity cloak that both hides sin and fuels vices.
Still, no matter how dark the world becomes, truth remains. As we walk through the pages of Scripture in this study which will focus heavily on the book of Proverbs, we will begin to see for ourselves God's timeless truths and discern how to apply them in our ever-changing times! Our ancestors faced different battles, different trials, different wars. As they learned to apply God's timeless truths in their day, so we must learn how to apply them today. We must live wisely today,