Everybody seems to be worried about energy nowadays. There are some good reasons for this. The price of home heating fuels has almost doubled in the past two years and may yet go higher. For many people, this creates problems. Comfort and warmth are very important in the winter. Health depends on these-particularly the health of older people, small children, and those who are sick. Higher heating costs have come at a time when other prices have gone up as well. Inflation has driven food prices up. Even the prices of heat-saving materials such as insulation, caulking, and weatherstripping are going up. Many people can benefit from weatherizing their homes, and the time to do it is NOW! Most materials are available at your local hardware store. In most cases, large savings can be made once people become aware of the problems and some low-cost ways of solving them. This booklet looks at the most common and most severe problems. Directions are given for ways to save money which you can apply yourself. These cost little and will help right away. Whether you own your home, rent a house, or live in an apartment or trailer, these simple ways to save energy and money can help you lead a more comfortable life.
U S Community Services Administration Imprint: Wildside Press Country of Publication: United States Dimensions:
Height: 254mm,
Width: 203mm,
Spine: 3mm
Weight: 118g ISBN:9781479416516 ISBN 10: 1479416517 Pages: 50 Publication Date:15 November 2024 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active