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13 March 2025
This handbook focuses on the practices, initiatives, and innovations of urban planning in response to the rapid urbanisation in Indonesian cities.

The book provides rigorous evidence of planning Indonesian cities of different sizes. Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country, is increasingly urbanising. Through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals, chapters examine specific policies and projects and analyse 19 cities, ranging from a megacity of over ten million residents to metropolitan cities, large cities, medium cities, and small cities in Indonesia. The handbook provides a diverse view of urban conditions in the country. Discussing current trends and challenges in urban planning and development in Indonesia, it covers a wide range of topics organised into five main themes: Indonesian planning context; informality, insurgency, and social inclusion; design, spatial, and economic practices; creative and innovative practices; and urban sustainability and resilience.

Written by 64 established and emerging scholars from Indonesia and overseas, this handbook is an invaluable resource to academics working on Urban Studies, Development Studies, Asian and Southeast Studies as well as to policy-makers in Indonesia and in other cities of the Global South.
Edited by:   , , ,
Imprint:   Routledge
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 246mm,  Width: 174mm, 
Weight:   810g
ISBN:   9781032330952
ISBN 10:   1032330953
Pages:   406
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Primary ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
List of figures List of tables List of contributors Preface PART I Planning Indonesia in Context 1 Urban Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities Sonia Roitman and Deden Rukmana 2 History of Urban Planning in Indonesia, 1900–2020 Christopher Silver 3 Planning Education in Indonesia: History, Development, and Future Challenges Bakti Setiawan PART II Informality, Insurgency and Social Inclusion 4 Tenure Security and Kampung Upgrading in Jakarta: The Role of Community Perception and State Recognition in Jakarta Andri Supriatna and Redento B. Recio 5 Participation Within the Insurgent Planning Practices: A Case of Kampung Susun Akuarium, Jakarta Amalia Nur Indah Sari, Andesha Hermintomo, Dian Tri Irawaty, and Vidya Tanny 6 Resistance to Formalisation in Informal Settlements: Evidence from Pontianak Yustina Octifanny, Dini Aprilia Norvyani, and Siti Asri Heriyani Pertiwi 7 Community Action and Legibility of the State: The Case of Malang Fauzul Rizal Sutikno 8 Community Organisation and Neighbourhood Improvement Through Collective Action and Bottom-up Gender Planning in Yogyakarta Ainun Murwani, Atik Rochayati, Surati, Wulan Utami, Susilah, Eko Nur Cahyanti, Sujiyanti, Jasri Mulia, and Sonia Roitman 9 Interpretation of Islamic Values into Urban Planning Discourse and Practices in Banda Aceh Sylvia Agustina, Elysa Wulandari, Myna Agustina, and Fahmi Aulia 10 Contested Memories and the Production of Space in a Post-Conflict City: Ambon between Tolerance and Trauma Kadek Wara Urwasi PART III Design, Spatial, and Economic Practices 11 Resuscitating Design in Shelter Policy for the Poor: Lessons from Surabaya Ashok Das 12 Changing People’s Attitude Towards Urban River in Yogyakarta: The Case of the Mundur-Munggah-Madhep Kali Movement Wiryono Raharjo and Paulus Bawole 13 The Street Alley (Gang) as Negotiating Space in the Urban Kampung: The Case of Semarang Wakhidah Kurniawati, Diah Intan Kusumo Dewi, and Nurini 14 Barriers and Opportunities to Cycling in Mataram Suryani Eka Wijaya and Muhammad Imran 15 The Light and Shadow of Small City’s Flexible Zoning: Learning from Jepara Setyo Atdiwaluyo 16 Why Rural Urbanisation and Industrialisation Does Not Always Bring its Promised Welfare Impact: The Case of Salatiga Ahmad Gamal PART IV Creative and Innovative Practices 17 The Dynamics of Multi-scalar Networks Underlying the Creative City Process: The Case of Bandung Galuh Syahbana Indraprahasta, Fikri Zul Fahmi, and Purnama Alamsyah 18 The Creativity of the Kampung: The Case of Solo Ahmad Rifai, Nina Asterina, Rizqa Hidayani, and Nicholas A. Phelps 19 Exploring City Branding in Wonosobo: How the Tale is Told Dhimas Bayu Anindito and Retas Aqabah Amjad 20 Metamorphosing the Bogor Botanical Gardens as the “Crown Jewel” of Bogor City Rezky Khrisrachmansyah, David S. Jones, and Vera Dian Damayanti 21 The Challenges to Give a New Life to the Dormant Heritage City of Palembang: Where Did It Go Wrong? Riela Provi Drianda, Muhammad Avaniddin Ananda, Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, and Laila Zohrah PART V Urban Sustainability and Resilience 22 Planning for Resilience in Bandung: Case Studies of Local Disaster Management Strategies Anthony Kent, Saut Sagala, Danang Azhari, Jeeten Kumar, and Amesta Ramadhani 23 Planning for Sustainability and Resilience in Ternate: A Situated Knowledge Achmad Firas Khudi and Harya S. Dillon 24 Towards a Sustainable Life of Local Communities in Coastal Cities: A Longitudinal Study of New Town Development in Makassar Rahmat Aris Pratomo, D. Ary A. Samsura, and Erwin van der Krabben 25 Path Leading to Urban Sustainability: Reflections from Solid Waste Management in Surabaya Fitria Aurora Feliciani 26 Equal Access to Water in Cirebon Regency Urban Area: The Role of Spatial Plan Sri Maryati and Tommy Firman 27 Conclusion: Seeing from Urban Indonesia Deden Rukmana and Sonia Roitman Index

Sonia Roitman is Associate Professor in Development Planning at The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. Her research interests include housing and poverty alleviation policies; the role of grassroots organisations in urban planning; disaster planning and informal practices; and gated communities, segregation, and planning instruments in Global South cities. Her main research locations are Indonesia, Uganda, Argentina, and Australia. She serves in the Board of the RC21 Committee (Research Committee of the Sociology of Urban and Regional Development, International Sociological Association) since 2014. Deden Rukmana is Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Community and Regional Planning at Alabama A&M University, USA. He has eight years of experience as an urban planner in Indonesia. His research centres on health disparities and homelessness in the US, and spatial planning and development challenges in Indonesia. His previous publications include The Routledge Handbook of Planning Megacities in the Global South (ed., 2020). He serves as the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning representative to the Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN) since 2022.

Reviews for Routledge Handbook of Urban Indonesia

""This comprehensive collection draws issues and materials from a whole range of Indonesian cities – from the micro to the mega – making it a definitive one-volume source on the urban conditions of the largest archipelago in the world. It takes on the urgent task of defining the diverse urban conditions of contemporary Indonesia and challenges in planning context. It gathers an extraordinary cast of contributors from Indonesia and international urban scholars to present a panoramic view of historical, theoretical and empirical accounts of Indonesian cities, with implications for the study of urbanization and urban planning the world over. I congratulate Sonia Roitman and Deden Rukmana for bringing to us an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the dynamics of urban change in Indonesia and beyond."" -Abidin Kusno, York University, Canada ""Writing from cities large and small, from the academy and beyond, and across the Indonesian archipelago, the studies in this book go beyond a review of urban planning in Indonesia; they provide novel insights into the contemporary Southern urban condition. Most importantly, the book decenters professional urban planning by highlighting the multiple ways that grassroots movements, NGOs and ordinary urban residents are struggling for and contributing to the creation of more just and sustainable cities."" -Helga Leitner, UCLA, United States of America This book is authoritative and representative. It doesn’t only help us see how urbanization works in Indonesia but also shows to the world how Indonesia sees urbanization works. From informality to creativity, from history to sustainability, the book doesn’t miss an aspect of how Indonesia uniquely contributes to the global understanding of urbanization. -Delik Hudalah, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia ""I would make this volume essential reading for every urban student on the planet. The world is completing its one-time phase-shift from ~0% urbanisation to approaching 100%, a transition made over just 0.15% of human history, and it is time to relocate the dominant narrative of this process from west to east. This handbook presents intelligent commentary and case-studies of all the truly important planning challenges now facing the majority of the world’s urban peoples. Informality, environmental degradation, disaster-planning, inequality and growth, the distribution of governance powers between centre and local, urban renewal, heritage, basic infrastructure, and more. The Chinese experiment has led the way in shifting focus from the old urban world. It is high time that Southeast Asia’s massive successes in urban-led poverty reduction, economic and social advancement, and governmental modernisation were told. What better country to deliver this than the World’s 4th most populous? This book will help reshape this century’s planning debates."" -Chris Webster, Hong Kong University ""To the world of academic urbanists beyond Southeast Asia, Indonesia is known largely through studies of its metropolitan centre, Jakarta, and surrounding desakota landscapes. The main exceptions to this metrocentricity in recent decades concern provincial cities that have attracted attention either through having been stricken by natural disaster, or as sites of ""best practice"" in the era of regional autonomy. But the Indonesian archipelago encompasses a diverse array of towns, cities and urbanisms. Roitman and Rukmana have assembled a long-overdue volume that begins to do justice to this urban diversity. They bring critical postcolonial planning perspectives to bear on 19 cities, including several that have never featured in the Anglophone urban studies literature, and remained ""off the map"" of urban planning discussions. Even more significantly, this skilfully-curated handbook compels and enables us to revisit planning theory and practice from urbanizing Indonesia."" -Tim Bunnell, National University of Singapore

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