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Routledge Handbook of Masculinities, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

Henri Myrttinen Chloé Lewis Heleen Touquet Philipp Schulz



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30 January 2025
This handbook engages with and broadens current debates on men and masculinities in conflict and peacebuilding.

Through an expansive range of chapters across a unique array of geographical settings, the volume shatters prevailing assumptions about men’s relationship to conflict and its wake. Situated across scholarship, policy, and practice, the contributions offer new possibilities for a more complex and complete picture of the gendered tapestries of conflict, peace, and the spaces in between. The handbook combines feminist, intersectional, relational, decolonial, and queer perspectives on the conceptualisation of masculinities in conflict and peacebuilding. This approach provides us with the tools to go beyond direct, physical, conflict-related violence to examine less visible forms of violence and power as well as other ways in which masculinities interact with conflict and peace. In doing so, the book permits a multi-faceted view of men’s roles, relationships, vulnerabilities, and non-violent agencies in conflict and peacebuilding across scholarship, policy, and practice.

This book will be of much interest to students of gender, masculinities, peace and conflict studies, and international relations.

Chapter 1, 3, 9, 13, and 30 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Chapter 25 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.
Edited by:   , , , ,
Imprint:   Routledge
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 246mm,  Width: 174mm, 
Weight:   1.000kg
ISBN:   9781032341767
ISBN 10:   1032341769
Pages:   430
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Further / Higher Education ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
"PART 1: Theoretical framings 1. Masculinities in conflict and peacebuilding: an introduction 2. Theoretical frameworks on masculinities and peacebuilding: Current Limitations and Potential for a Gender Transformative Peace 3. Masculinities in conflict and peacebuilding: A critical mapping of the field 4. Feminist research on men and masculinity(ies): Dilemmas and Discomfort PART 2: Civilian masculinities and the spectrum of violent contexts 5. Invisible men: The injured lives of Afghan interpreters 6. Masculine vulnerability, gangs, and perpetual violence 7. Masculinities and/under protracted occupation 8. 'Doing' padre de pamilya: Displacement and masculinities in southern Philippines 9. Passing as a 'hard man': Regulating everyday queer (in)visibilities in the Syrian Conflict 10. Masculinities in the conflict-affected rural Pashtun society of Pakistan PART 3: Masculinities, agency, vulnerability and care 11. Masculinities and agency: Gendering vulnerability and victimhood 12. Masculinity, trauma and armed conflict: How Gender Norms Shape and Perpetuate Trauma Among Men 13. Male survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, masculinities and peacebuilding 14. War disability: complications and possibilities for peacebuilding processes 15. Enacting a politics of care: Refugee Men’s Experiences and Responses to Displacement in Greece 16. ""When I see my son, all I feel is love"": caring practices of fathers seeking asylum in Belgium PART 4: Masculinities in peacebuilding 17. Mainstreaming masculinities in the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda 18. Analysing men and masculinities in gender-transformative humanitarian action policy 19. Gentleman-bureaucrat masculinities and UK national security policymaking 20. Confronting masculinities and breaking binaries in disarmament diplomacy 21. Between civilian and military: Masculinities and Exceptionalism in Humanitarian Memoir 22. Masculinities in the Colombian Truth Commission’s Final Report: Challenges and Opportunities for Gender Transformative Justice 23. Doing gender, doing peace: Eurocentrism, Masculinities, and the WPS Agenda’s ‘Add Men and Stir’ Problem PART 5: Civilian masculine gender norms in the aftermath of conflict 24. Masculinities in post-conflict Aceh: Gender, power, and peace processes 25. Patriarchal backlash in Uganda? Contested masculinities in conflict and peacebuilding 26. ""Today I can truly have a heart for people“: Narratives of identity transformation amongst former gang members in South Africa 27. Moving away from violence: emerging counter-hegemonic masculinities in Timor-Leste 28. Reshaping gender roles and pollution of hpon after the 2021 military coup in Myanmar 29. Queering masculinities in protests: Imagining “other ways to be” with Danish Siddiqui PART 6: Transforming masculinities in conflict-affected settings 30. “Faithing” Masculinities in Conflict: Engaging Faith Leaders and Communities to Prevent Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo 31. Transforming masculinities through male advocacy in post-conflict Bougainville 32. Resisting the dichotomies of war heroes and victims: masculinities and political prisoners in El Salvador 33. Men Beyond War: a case study of working with traumatized men in Eastern DR Congo 34. Seeing the forest for the trees: the case for a more structural approach to countering militarised masculinities and mobilising men for feminist peace"

Henri Myrttinen is a visiting research fellow at the University of Bremen, Germany, and an independent consultant on gender, peace, and security. Chloé Lewis is a senior research fellow with Equimundo: Centre for Masculinities and Social Justice and is a research fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. Heleen Touquet is a visiting professor at the department of political sciences at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Philipp Schulz is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen. Farooq Yousaf is an independent researcher based in Australia. Elizabeth Laruni is the Conflict Sensitivity and Gender Lead of the London-based peacebuilding organisation International Alert.

Reviews for Routledge Handbook of Masculinities, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

""Given the state of the contemporary world which includes high levels of violence, declining peace negotiations and formal peace agreements, populist masculinist leadership, anti-feminist backlash and frequent displays of toxic masculinity, new empirical research and theoretical insights on masculinities in peace and conflict studies have been long overdue. The editors are some of the finest scholars of masculinity studies and they have curated this urgently needed handbook for posterity, bringing together contributors exploring a diverse range of geographies, locations, positionalities, voices and methodologies to understand masculinities as a dynamic and intersectional gender construct. This extraordinary handbook fills a very important gap and will be of great relevance not just to scholars and educators in gender, conflict, peace and development research but also to practitioners and activists."" Swati Parashar, Professor of Peace and Development, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg “To produce a whole handbook specifically on masculinities, conflict and peacebuilding might seem, to some people, a very particular, focused and perhaps narrow venture. But here, now, is this new Handbook, with 34 chapters, from all over the world, showing in multiple ways the importance and urgency of theoretical, political, policy and personal work on men and masculinities in conflict and peacebuilding. With both broad overviews and located studies, this Handbook is a huge and indispensable resource for scholars, students, policy-makers, politicians, activists, peacebuilders and peacekeepers, and even and of course for the military, alike.” Jeff Hearn, Senior Professor, Human Geography, Örebro University, Sweden; Professor of Sociology, University of Huddersfield, UK; Professor Emeritus, Hanken School of Economics, Finland ""We have been grappling with ""gender"" since the 60's, questioning how we assume particular roles and why. This book is an exploration of the relation of masculine gender to structures of power and their institutions: physical, religious, political and military and the mutuality of creation. It brings out the complexities of expectations and whilst it doesn't answer all the questions, it takes us much closer to understanding how to make the changes to our binary narratives. A fascinating read."" Madeleine Reese, Former Secretary-General, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

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