Jesper Jespersen is professor emeritus at Roskilde University, Denmark. His research interests include the economics of Keynes and macroeconomic methodology. Victoria Chick is professor emeritus at University College London, UK. She has written extensively on macroeconomics and the economics of Keynes. Bert Tieben is researcher at SEO Amsterdam Economics, the Netherlands. He also teaches history of economic thought at Amsterdam University College. His research focuses on economic methodology and the history of economic thought.
“Within the bulk of the existing literature on economic methodology the distinctive methodological questions concerning the methodology of macroeconomics, despite their relevance, have been so far comparatively neglected. This comprehensive Handbook eventually fills the gap in a way that would be hard to beat. It deserves, therefore, to be warmly recommended to all readers with an interest in the methodology and philosophy of economics, in the history of economic thought and, last but not least, in macroeconomics per se.” Andrea Salanti, University of Bergamo “Due to the economic crises of recent years there is an increasing interest by students to look for answers outside the mainstream macroeconomic understanding. As such, students are not only looking for an alternative theoretical macroeconomic universe, they are also increasingly interested in methodological aspects of macroeconomic theory. With the publication of Routledge Handbook of Macroeconomic Methodology students with an interest in Macroeconomic Theory and the History of Economic Thought are offered an updated advanced book on a huge number of relevant methodological questions.” Finn Olesen, Aalborg University, Denmark