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Routledge Handbook of Critical Kashmir Studies

Mona Bhan Haley Duschinski Deepti Misri



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13 March 2025
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Kashmir Studies presents emerging critical knowledge frameworks and perspectives that foreground situated histories and resistance practices to challenge colonial and postcolonial forms of governance and state building. It politicizes discourses of nationalism, patriotism, democracy, and liberalism, and it questions how these dominant globalist imaginaries and discourses serve institutionalized power, create hegemony, and normalize domination. In doing so, the handbook situates Critical Kashmir Studies scholarship within global scholarly conversations on nationalism, sovereignty, indigenous movements, human rights, and international law.

The handbook is organized into the following five parts:

Territories, Homelands, Borders Militarism, Humanism, Occupation Memories, Futures, Imaginations Religion, History, Politics Armed Conflict, Global War, Transnational Solidarities

A comprehensive reference work documenting and consolidating the growing Critical Kashmir Studies scholarship, this handbook will be of interest to scholars of anthropology, political science, cultural studies, legal and sociolegal studies, sociology, history, critical Indigenous studies, settler colonial studies, and feminist studies.
Edited by:   , ,
Imprint:   Routledge
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 246mm,  Width: 174mm, 
Weight:   780g
ISBN:   9781032310497
ISBN 10:   1032310499
Pages:   406
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Primary ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Introduction: Critical Kashmir Studies: Settler Occupations and the Persistence of Resistance Mona Bhan, Haley Duschinski, and Deepti Misri Section I: Territories, Homelands, Borders Section Introduction: Territories, Homelands, Borders Ather Zia Chapter 1: Peasant Imaginaries And ""Kashmiri Nationalism"" Idrees Kanth Chapter 2: On Naya Kashmir Suvir Kaul Chapter 3: Closing The Frontier? Extraction, Contested Boundaries, and the Greening of Frontier Politics in Ladakh Alka Sabharwal Chapter 4: Kashmiri Sikh Women and Their Experiences with Conflict Khushdeep Kaur Malhotra Chapter 5: Disabling Kashmir Deepti Misri Chapter 6: Hortus Interruptus: A Time for Alegropolitics in Kashmir Ananya Jahanara Kabir Section II: Militarism, Humanism, Occupation Section Introduction: Militarism, Humanism, Occupation Mona Bhan Chapter 7: Claiming the Streets: Political Resistance among Kashmiri Youth Tahir Ganie Chapter 8: The Writ of Liberty in a Regime of Permanent Emergency Shrimoyee Nandini Ghosh and Haley Duschinski Chapter 9: Trade, Boundaries and Self-Determination Aditi Saraf Chapter 10: Sensory Remembrance: Retelling the 1990s in Downtown Srinagar Bhavneet Kaur Section III: Memories, Futures, Imaginations Section Introduction: Memories, Futures, Imaginations Deepti Misri Chapter 11: Dogs of War, War Dogs: The Afterlives of Manto in Two Kashmiri Graphic Novels Amit Baishya Chapter 12: Cosmopolitanism, Food and Memory: The Lhasa Restaurant Of Srinagar Anisa Bhutia Chapter 13: The Country of Privilege: Problematizing The Country Without a Post Office Huzaifa Pandit Chapter 14: Mixing Genre, Making Truth Claims: Human Rights Storytelling in Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness Rakhshan Rizwan Chapter 15: Cached Resistance: The ""Unheard"" Narratives of Militancy in Kashmir Haris Zargar Chapter 16: Playing Cricket in Eidgah: Affective Labor in Kashmiri Childhood(s) Sarbani Sharma Section IV: Religion, History, Politics Section Introduction: Religion, History, Politics Hafsa Kanjwal Chapter 17: Religious And Political Power in Kashmir: Recollecting the Past for the (Post)Colonial Present Dean Accardi Chapter 18: Tehreek History Writers of Kashmir: Reconstructing Memory at the Margins of Postcolonial Empire Mohamad Junaid Chapter 19: Remembering Home, Imagining the Future: Changing Meanings of Home Among Kashmiri Pandits Ankur Datta Chapter 20: Liberal Silence on Kashmir and the Malleability of Ethics in India Gowhar Fazili Chapter 21: Territory, Identity, and Islamization in Medieval Kashmir Rafiq Pirzada Chapter 22: Examining Sacred Necropolitics as Subaltern Resistance in India-controlled Kashmir Umar Lateef Misgar Section V: Armed Conflict, Global War, Transnational Solidarities Section Introduction: Armed Conflict, Global War, Transnational Solidarities Haley Duschinski Chapter 23: Third World Imperialism and Kashmir’s Sovereignty Trap Haley Duschinski and Mona Bhan Chapter 24: The Forms and Practices of Indian Settler/Colonial Sovereignty in Kashmir Goldie Osuri Chapter 25: Sanctioned Ignorance and the Erasure of Solidarity for Indian-Occupied Kashmir Ather Zia Chapter 26: Kashmir, Feminisms, and Global Solidarities Nitasha Kaul Chapter 27: Kashmir Diaspora Mobilizations: Towards Transnational Solidarity in an Age of Settler-Colonialism Hafsa Kanjwal

Mona Bhan is Ford Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies and Associate Professor of Anthropology at Syracuse University, USA. She has authored Counterinsurgency, Development, and the Politics of Identity: From Warfare to Welfare? (Routledge, 2014); co-authored Climate Without Nature: A Critical Anthropology of the Anthropocene (with A. Bauer, 2018); and co-edited Resisting Occupation in Kashmir (with H. Duschinski, A. Zia, and C. Mahmood, 2018). Bhan is on the editorial board of Cultural Anthropology, Critical Disaster Studies and AGITATE. Her writings and interviews have appeared in various forums, including the BBC, Al Jazeera, Scholars Circle, CGTN, Indus TV, TRT, and Open Democracy. Haley Duschinski is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Ohio University, USA. She is a legal and political anthropologist with research specializations in law and society; violence, war, and power; human rights and international justice; and militarization and impunity. She co-edited Resisting Occupation in Kashmir (with M. Bhan, A. Zia, and C. Mahmood, 2018) as well as special issues of Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law (2018), Critique of Anthropology (2020), and Himalaya (2020). She has published her research in Social & Legal Studies, Political & Legal Anthropology Review, Cultural Studies, Race & Class, Memory Studies, Anthropology Today, Interventions, and Anthropological Quarterly, among others. Deepti Misri is Associate Professor of Women and Gender Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. She is the author of Beyond Partition: Gender, Violence and Representation in Postcolonial India (2014) and the co-editor of a special issue on “Protest” in WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly (2018). Her recent scholarship has focused on visual culture, gender, disability, and militarization in Kashmir and appeared in the journals Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies, Biography, and Public Culture.

Reviews for Routledge Handbook of Critical Kashmir Studies

""This crucial, timely volume not only explicates the political situation of Kashmir; it offers a paradigm-shifting example of place as relational praxis. From the critique of area studies and state-centric analytics to the attention to the ethics of knowledge production, the editors and contributors make a trenchant case for why Kashmir both illuminates and connects with numerous other liberation movements around the world. As such, The Routledge Handbook of Critical Kashmir Studies is a brilliant envisioning of scholarship as solidarity that draws together and transforms indigenous, decolonial, intersectional and transnational thought."" - Jasbir K. Puar, Professor and Graduate Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University; author of 'Terrorist Assemblages' and 'The Right to Maim.' ""This pathbreaking interdisciplinary volume – grounded in feminist principles that are at once anti-colonial, anti-occupation, and anti-caste – brilliantly speaks to the urgency of self-determination for Kashmir. Challenging statist and area studies frameworks that typically privilege international relations and security studies, this rich collection features crucial epistemological interventions that enable the decolonial knowledge production necessary for political liberation – the best in Critical Kashmir Studies."" - J. Kēhaulani Kauanui, Professor of American Studies and an affiliate faculty member in Anthropology at Wesleyan University; author of 'Paradoxes of Hawaiian Sovereignty: Land, Sex, and the Colonial Politics of State Nationalism.' ""This handbook is a vital intellectual contribution to Kashmir studies. It provides essential space for the radical thinking, the Kashmiri voices, the feminist approaches, the anti-colonial critiques that have been decisively breaking apart dominant assumptions in mainstream scholarship on Kashmir. It will prompt us to think fundamentally differently about Kashmir, as well as more broadly about colonial occupation, about technologies of repression, about land, place, transnational solidarities, resistance, and more. And at a time when reactionary Hindu nationalism continues to take on more fascistic and Islamophobic forms, this handbook is also a crucial political contribution to knowledge and knowledge production.' - John Reynolds, Associate Professor, National University of Ireland, Maynooth; author of 'Empire, Emergency and International Law.'

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