Yannis Tzioumakis is Reader in Film and Media Industries at the University of Liverpool. He is the author of five books and co-editor of seven collections. His next book is a monograph under the title When Hollywood Came to Greece, 1957-1967, while after this he will be co-authoring a volume on the 100-year history of Paramount. Yannis also co-edits the Routledge Hollywood Centenary and the Cinema and Youth Cultures book series. Siân Lincoln is an independent scholar who has published widely on aspects of youth cultures. Her monograph Youth Culture and Private Space was published in 2012 and her co-authored book with Brady Robards Growing up on Facebook was published in 2020. She is co-editor of two book series: Cinema and Youth Cultures and the Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures & Popular Music. Sian is on the management group of the Interdisciplinary Network for the Study of Music, Subcultures and Social Change.