Ripples was compiled from memories and records of the past55 years. My wife, Becky, and I had contemplated writingsomething along the lines of Ripples for years, toimmortalize, in writing, the journey of our beloved son, Collin.In our mid seventies, while our minds are still clear, I decidedto begin the book. The choices were to start writing or stopthinking about it. I couldn't convince myself to not write it.After many months of sporadically developing the story, Becky realized she had to get involved if the book were to bemeaningfully completed. She added to, edited, and insertedadditional details, not in her chosen style, but mine.Though we are equally complicit, Becky is determined that Ibe recognized as the author. ""We"" wrote Ripples togetherand ""I'm"" the author. That doesn't seem right, but that ishow she wants it.We had to write Ripples for ourselves. It has been beneficialto us. We hope it can be beneficial to others as well.