Susannah Hagan is Emeritus Professor of Architecture at the University of Westminster, London, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Prior to Westminster, she was Head of Research and the Doctoral Programme at the School of Architecture, Royal College of Art. Trained as an architect at Columbia University, New York and the Architectural Association, she was the founder and director of R_E_D (Research into Environment + Design), a Europe-wide research consultancy specialising in environmentally-informed design at all scales. She has published extensively, drawing together architectural design, history and theory to examine environmental practice in publications such as Digitalia (2008), and Ecological Urbanism (2015).
‘This is a compelling critique of the state of architectural education and practice in the context of pressing environmental concerns, and is an insightful read for anyone keen on understanding the challenges and opportunities that lie at the intersection of architecture, design and environmentalism.’ – Krystallia Kamvasinou, *Urban Design Journal *