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Restrained Radicals

Populist Radical Right Parties in Local Government

Fred Paxton (Università degli Studi di Milano)



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Cambridge University Press
10 August 2023
The entry of populist radical right parties into positions of power has generated anxious debate regarding the potential consequences for liberal democracy. Their activities in local government, however, have been largely overlooked. This comparative analysis of populist radical right-led local governments in Western Europe makes an important contribution to a crowded field through the study of so far uncharted terrain. Comparing cases in Austria, France, Italy and Switzerland, Fred Paxton details the extent of ideological impact in local politics and the various restraints that are placed on their radicalism. Drawing from a wealth of new data, he explains the varying degree of radicalism with recourse to two principal factors: the constraints of the local government institutional setting and the national party leaders' strategies towards the local arena. This book broadens our understanding of populist radical right parties in Western Europe and the sub-national processes through which they are developing.
Imprint:   Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 235mm,  Width: 158mm,  Spine: 21mm
Weight:   570g
ISBN:   9781009379083
ISBN 10:   1009379089
Pages:   280
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Fred Paxton is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Milan. He was awarded his Ph.D. at the European University Institute. His work has been published in various academic journals including Political Science Research and Methods and Government and Opposition. This is his first academic monograph.

Reviews for Restrained Radicals: Populist Radical Right Parties in Local Government

'Fred Paxton's nuanced analyses not only show that policy-making is a performative activity for the populist radical right, but also demonstrate that local politics is often a testing-ground for national parties to try out strategies and alliances.' Sarah de Lange, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam 'Fred Paxton makes an important contribution to the study of a so far uncharted terrain - the effect populist radical right parties in local power have on local politics, and the effect acquiring local power has on these parties themselves.' Hanspeter Kriesi, Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Florence 'Paxton has achieved the considerable feat of producing a sophisticated study on an original topic: the actions and impact of these parties in local government across Western Europe. His insightful analysis should be essential reading for those interested in understanding how populists adapt to power.' Duncan McDonnell, Professor and ARC Future Fellow, Centre for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University 'Grounded in both specific and general party politics literature, and built upon a clever research design, Fred Paxton masterfully integrates the local level into the nationally dominated literature and raises major new opportunities and questions for future research. Truly groundbreaking!' Cas Mudde, School of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia

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